Another Fix it friday from
I<3 Faces!
This week's photo was submitted by Christina from
3 Sweet P's. She wrote: "This is a photo of my 2 year-old Parker. I am bothered by the harsh shadow on his face and the washed out colors of the photo. His eyes are a beautiful blue and you just can't see that. I would love to see what you guys can come up with!"
Original Photo
My edit
For my edit, I started off in ACR and adjusted exposure, vibrance, and a little fill light.
Then I brought it into CS4, I duplicated the background layer, and cloned out the red marks on his face. Then I did a slight curve adjustment. I opened a new layer, and chose a peachy color from his skin, and painted over the blown out portion of his face, and lowered the opacity to 80%. Then I merged all layers, and ran AMP's Serendipity action at 50% I believe, and then AMP's Softly action at 70%. Then I did a slight eye pop.
All done!