I had a little trouble with this one. I am not very good at editing skin tones and I had a hard time getting it right in this picture. Its not the best, but its the best I could do in the short time I had to work on it today.
I tried several different things before I finally decided on this edit. I still need to find an object to add to her, but this is what I have so far. I'm almost done! Phew!
I just added a texture behind her, and around her face a bit.
If nothing else, its at least interesting to look at.
I took pictures of my sister today. I have a project for my photoshop class due in 2 weeks, so I wanted to at least get her picture out of the way. I have to make a humanoid object- its hard to explain without showing- I'll just have to show the finished product later :)
I got to take pictures of Colin's sister this past weekend for her graduation invitations! It was really fun, and I explored more of Valley Junction and found some new favorite places to shoot! I really want to take Peyton there and test it out on her!
I took pictures of my cousin and her girls this past weekend while we were over for Easter dinner. The sun was setting, it was chilly, and it was really windy- with left us with about 10 minutes to shoot before everyone was over it.
It was still a lot of fun, and I can't wait to take more pictures of them when we have a nicer day and more time! :)
Here are the pictures I have done so far. I still have more to sort through.